The LDE/PVS Program is managed and implemented under the cognizance of the LDE/PVS Program Manager in the Safety Division/Code 360 of the System and Mission Assurance Directorate, GSFC.
The LDE operations is the safety program which provides for test, inspection, certification, and recertification of lifting devices and equipment (LDE), and ground-based pressure vessels and pressurized systems (PVS) at GSFC. The certification and recertification of LDE Operators and Critical Lift Coordinators is also included.
PVS includes cryogenic, vacuum, hydraulic, compressed gas (including compressed air) systems; and system components including vessels, piping, relief valves, gages and flexible hoses.
This safety program ensures that the respective equipment is tested, inspected and certified per NASA requirements to assure personnel and operational safety.
LDE includes bridge cranes, gantry cranes, hoists, mobile cranes, hydra-sets and any devices, slings, or hardware components used to attach the load to the crane hook for lifting. Also included are mobile aerial platforms, powered industrial trucks, jacks and hydrasets.